Monday, September 29, 2008

Coming soon - an actual blog!

This is the obligatory "Hi everyone I just started this but don't have time to actually, you know, put anything here yet while I get this together while also doing the 438 things on my to-do list" post.

Trust me, actual (moderately?) interesting blogs about my occasionally humorous adventures will be coming shortly.

In the iterim, though, here's a mini "What I've Got Going On" post:

Now reviewing: Nothing (thank goodness, since the basketball games are all coming very soon)
Now playing (for fun): Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway (more on that soon)
Now playing (on the treadmill): NHL 09 "Be a Pro" mode
Now reading: Harry Turtledove's "Drive To The East"
Now watching: Sopranos Season 3 (slowly)
Now not watching but have on DVR ready when I get a few hours (ha!): Season premieres of The Office, The Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad

Lastly, for your reading pleasure, here are my last couple of GamesRadar reviews - all pucks, all the time.

NHL 2K9 for the Wii:

NHL 2k9 for the 360/PS3:

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